Friday, April 11, 2008

Almost over

I only have week and a half of school left and I'm done with this semester. I feel like I can't focus because I'm too excited thinking about my trip to Guadalajara.

I have to make my book for the Illuminated Book class, you know like cut paper, get paper printed, sew folios together, make a book cover and all that stuff.

I also haven't finished shooting for my photo class and my final critique is on Wednesday. I did however already buy foam core because I want to mount them, I just find it easier to handle or put up on the wall for critique that way, hopefully I don't ruin them in the process.

I have to paint 2 more paintings for, yup you guessed it, Painting class. Then I have to photograph them and put the prints in a portfolio, he cares more about that stupid portfolio than the actual paintings.

Then I'll just have to study for my art history final and off to Mexico!

In other news, today I hung out with Candice, we went to Target, then met Richard for lunch. We discussed God, Jesus and aliens, and our religious views. It was interesting, we all pretty much share the same beliefs, which is a whole other post. I did not get school work done today, well maybe just figuring out the pagination for that book, it's been so hard to figure out! I needed a break anyway.

I went to dinner with the hubbster to Urban Flats, it was our first time there. We met up with an ex coworker of his. The food was good, at least what I had, which was the turkey, pear and brie flat. Yum! I'm already hungry again.

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