Friday, July 24, 2009


I swore I wouldn't be one of those women that kept track of their cycle while trying to get pregnant, I thought we would just try for, oh I don't know, 6 months and then see what happened. Well, we've only been trying for only a couple of months now and guess what, I'm already antsy. Even if I wanted to keep track of my cycle, I can't because I have a super irregular period. I skipped my period last month and I didn't like not knowing if certain symptoms were because I was about to get my period or because I was pregnant already. Well, it was my period of course.

I found a lady on twitter that was asking if anyone wanted some ovulation predictor tests, because she got pregnant before getting to use them all. I asked if she still had them and she said yes. She asked for my address, which of course I was a little nervous giving out to a complete stranger, but figured what the hell! Well, she mailed me a months supply of ovulation tests and 2 pregnancy tests via priority mail! How nice was that?! I'm so excited to use them. I know it doesn't necessarily mean I'll get pregnant, but it will be nice to have an idea of when I actually ovulate. Thanks again so much kind stranger from the internet @greenbaby_nyc!


Christina said...

Sounds like me when we wanted to have a baby! :P We tried for 5 months before success. To some that seems long, who get pregnant right away, but compared to some who have to try for a very long time I think 5 months was a blessing. I tracked my cycles and used fertility friend(still use it for general info). After 3 months or so I got very antsy as well! I even did morning temperature readings(basal body). I got sick of that and the month I got pregnant I didn't "temp". But I cried about wanting to be pregnant the day before my positive test! I didn't think that month was the month, but it was! :P BEST wishes to you!!!!!!

Nancy said...

Aww thanks for sharing your story Christina!

Anonymous said...

yay Nancy how exciting!!

Christie said...

That was me, I didn't mean to post as anonymous