Thursday, November 12, 2009


I know I know, once again I have neglected this little blog. This time I actually have things to share. First of all, I quit the census job. Honestly, I hated it and they wanted me to work on weekends... not good. They also didn't want to give me a few days off for Thanksgiving and well, it was "suggested" I resign instead. I will still be considered for other Census jobs, so maybe they'll call me again in a few months.

The other news is that we will be spending this Thanksgiving in Tennessee. We are going to visit Mike's dad. I'm VERY excited (and a bit nervous) because I have never met him. It will also be our first long road trip together, including Miss Lilicans. I can't wait! Just two more weeks. I hope I get to use the pea coat I bought at Old Navy for only $22.

And what better than the smell of these molasses spice cookies with a rum glaze, to get into the holiday spirit? I helped my photographer and baker friend Isabelle, bake some cookies for an event she had to cater. And speaking of food, we made a butternut squash soup for dinner tonight... perfect for this wonderful weather we are having today in Orlando.


Christina said...

The weather in Florida today has indeed been great! :) Tennessee is so pretty. Exciting!

Sorry about your job, but if you are happy then that is good!

Belle said...

yum yum yum!!